Monday, 30 October 2017

Vocal Problems x 2

As you have noticed, the project has stalled. I have been facing problems with the vocal parts, and I try to open them up here a bit.

Firstly, I have been writing the lyrics in Finnish. It takes time. A lot more time than writing in English. So far I have finished two songs and I'm half-way through the third. Seven to go in total. I have to say, anyway, that I'm more pleased with the results so far than with the lyrics I have written earlier. I'll post draft lyrics here for one song as one of my fellow musicians advised me to do so in order to somehow make them more finalised or fixed in my own mind. You can find them at the end of this post.

Secondly, I have almost completely lost my head voice. I had a cold that lasted about five weeks, and I thought that I would just start singing normally after that, a usual. Nope. For some reason, the voice seems really heavy and strained as soon as I leave the chest voice range, and I have severe difficulties singing notes that used to be normal and easy to me. It might be so that it has nothing to do with the cold, as I do not feel any physical damage, I'm not hoarse or have unintentional distortion in my voice, but it might just be poor technique. I doubt that I have just somehow forgotten the correct head voice technique as I have been singing mostly high falsetto stuff in the past couple of years. The falsetto, by the way, works fine. But the keys in these songs require head voice, not falsetto.

To give you an idea, I have been able to sing The Show Must Go On by Queen in the original key without using falsetto, but now I can't reach the chorus at all, and the highest parts feel totally impossible. I mean physically impossible, I feel that no power in the world could stretch the cords so tight that I could squeeze out the "...I'm never giving in, ooooon with the show" part in the song. I have been doing basic exercises I used to do some years back, and I think I have been progressing, but it takes time and I think it will take weeks or months to regain the lost range unless I miraculously find the sweet spot someday.

Anyway, here are the draft lyrics:

Pimeyden paino
Tilannekatsaus messissä, kaikki ovat paikalla
"Signaalilähde sisemmän planeetan kiertoradalla
Massaa kolmesataa kertaa maan massa
Havainnoissa tyhjä aukko, pelkkää kohinaa sensoreissa"
Lähestymme kohdetta, kiertolaisen tilalla
Piste alkaa erottumaan kohinan seasta
Pinta-ala on olematon, halkaisija kilometrin luokkaa
Silti vetovoima vastaa suurta planeettaa
Tiheys viittaa Schwarzildin aukkoon
Tai neutronitähteen
Katson valopistettä
Päätteeni näytöltä
Luen viestit uudestaan
Menneiltä vuosisadoilta
Vähitellen kuva pirtyy, takentuu pala palalta
Pallon pinnan muotoinen verkosto metallipalkkeja
Keskustassa pelkkää mustaa, valotonta tiheyttä
Ei säteilyä, heijastusta, pelkkä massa pimeyttä
Tiheys viittaa Schwarzildin aukkoon
Tai neutronitähteen
Katson valopistettä
Päätteeni näytöltä
Luen viestit uudestaan
Menneiltä vuosisadoilta
Oranssissa kajossa
Laivan kilpi suojana
Uudessa maailmassa
Pimeyden reunalla