Friday, 5 June 2020

Hosco DIY LP Special pt. 6

So, the guitar drank most of the oil from the first session. I let it dry overnight, and applied a fourth layer of Danish oil using 600 grit sandpaper and wet sanding technique. Now, after another night of drying, the guitar feels better, there is a smooth feeling in all places, and it looks way better than the day before. As I'm aiming for a junior and not a PRS copy, I think that I will stop the coating process here. I'm sure that after another two or three layers, the guitar would start to look relly fancy, but this is not where I'm heading for with this.

The oil smoothed lots of irregularities in the staining, and deepened the colour everywhere. In my opinion, the back of the neck looks especially great! I'm also happy that I took the risk and tried the burst effect with sanding down the stain from the middle of the body.

I'm tempted to start putting the electronics together, but I think it will be better to wait until tomorrow and see if the oil still needs more time to dry.

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