So, after some time, I started finally putting the guitar together. First, I used copper tape to provide shielding for the pickups and the electronics. That was an easy job, although the result did not look that professional. But I bet it will do the job just fine.
After that, I installed the pickups and wired the pickup selector. No problems there. Then, I inserted the pots just so that I could hammer down the studs for the bridge and tailpiece (remember that the grouding wire needs to touch the tailpiece stud).
Then, I installed the tuners. All well. Yes, I used the small screws to secure them to their positions.
After that it was time to do the electronics. That went smoothly, as most of the work was done already and there was a good diagram included.
Then it was time to put on the strings that were included and strum the first chords. The guitar played well and sounded really good both acustically and electronically. However, the frets were really rough and felt like sandpaper while bending the strings, so I very quickly came into a conclusion that they needed polishing. I used a nail polish kit I happened to have (I play classical guitar), and that soleved that problem. I also shaved maybe a mm off from the nut. There was no need to adjust the tuss rod. I'm used to set the action so that there is a bit more than 2 mm on the bass side and a litlle less than 2 mm on the treble side, measured from the 12th fret. The guitar plays with that setting as it should.
Now the guitar is ready to go! The conclusions will follow in the next post.
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